Professor Philip Burrows appointed Director of the JAI

Professor Philip Burrows has been appointed Director of the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (JAI) for a five-year term. Professor Ian Shipsey, Head of the Department of Physics at Oxford, comments,
Philip has served ably as interim-Director of the JAI for the past two years and his appointment to Director is thoroughly deserved; he is an eminent scientist and his appointment will mark, I am sure, the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the institute. It is a privilege to have the JAI within the Department of Physics at Oxford and I look forward to a continued collaborative and productive partnership.
Philip Burrows is Professor of Physics at Oxford University and Senior Research Fellow at Jesus College. His research is focused on the design of beam delivery systems for high-energy subatomic particle colliders and beamlines, including advanced beam instrumentation and nanosecond-timescale feedback and control systems. He has performed experiments at numerous accelerator laboratories including CERN (Switzerland), DESY (Germany), SLAC (USA) and KEK (Japan). He is Spokesperson of the worldwide Compact Linear Collider Collaboration and is a UK delegate to the European Committee for Future Accelerators. He chairs the Physics Review Committee of the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) laboratory and has previously chaired the STFC Particle Physics Advisory Panel and the UK Institute of Physics Particle Accelerators and Beams Group, as well as served on CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Committee. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and of the American Physical Society. Excited for his new role, Professor Burrows said that,
‘It is a great honour and privilege to be appointed officially as JAI Director. The Institute’s achievements are the result of the wonderfully talented team of students, staff and faculty who bring their expertise end energy to our R&D, teaching and outreach programmes. Ever onwards!’